Author Archives: Zainab Alhaddad

Bridging the Communication Gap for Gen Z Professionals in the UAE and KSA

A recent LinkedIn study revealed a disconnect between Gen Z professionals and their older colleagues in the UAE and KSA. However, the research also highlighted a key takeaway: both generations value intergenerational collaboration and 75% of Gen Z professionals in the region recognize the benefits of improved communication for productivity, knowledge sharing, and overall team morale.   Addressing Communication Apprehension […]

The Strategic Advantages of Employee Well-being

In the relentless pursuit of talent acquisition and retention, forward-thinking organizations are recognizing the pivotal role of employee well-being.  It’s no longer a fringe benefit, but a core component of a comprehensive human capital strategy. Here’s why prioritizing employee well-being transcends mere compassion – it’s a strategic investment that fuels organizational success.   Enhanced Productivity […]

Qatar’s Digital Revolution Sets the Stage for GCC Workforce Transformation

Introduction: Qatar’s visionary leap into digitalization, driven by a projected $5.7 billion investment by 2026, is poised to reshape the economic landscape of the entire GCC region. This dynamic shift will create a surge in demand for skilled professionals across diverse technology domains, necessitating a strategic approach to talent acquisition. To harness the potential of […]

Insights and Trends for Navigating the Job Market in Bahrain

The job market is always changing due to various factors such as technological advancements, economic shifts, and evolving industry requirements. It’s important to stay informed about these emerging trends as they empower both job seekers and employers to anticipate and adapt to future opportunities and challenges. Let’s explore the significant trends that are shaping Bahrain’s […]

Vision 2030 in Action: How Expo 2030 is Shaping Saudi Arabia’s Future

Saudi Arabia’s successful bid to host Expo 2030 in Riyadh is projected to be a major boon for the country’s job market. This global event, scheduled for 2030, is expected to create a substantial number of jobs across various sectors, contributing to the nation’s economic diversification goals outlined in Vision 2030. A Surge in Employment […]

Driving Change: Companies and the Path to Sustainability

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the need for sustainable practices has never been more important. Companies across industries have a crucial role to play in driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future Implement Resource Efficiency Measures: In the pursuit of sustainability, companies can take significant steps by implementing various resource efficiency measures. By […]

GCC’s Booming F&B Sector: Opening Doors to Job Opportunities

The food and beverage (F&B) industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries is currently witnessing an unprecedented boom, showcasing remarkable growth and opening doors to a plethora of job opportunities. With a projected 4.39 percent growth from 2024 to 2028, the F&B sector is set to reach an astonishing revenue of $135.5 billion this […]